Capitoline Museums
There is no better way to learn about the ancient Roman Empire! The Capitoline Museums are the first public museum of the city of Rome since 1471 when the pope Sisto IV donated a group of bronze statues of great symbolic value to the People of Rome. You will be amazed by the wonderful statues, roman’s inscriptions, marble decorations, paintings connected with the establishment of our Capital.
The architect who designed the palaces and the square is Michelangelo, of course we will take our time to enjoy his wonderful artistic research as well as we will be overwhelmed by a special view of the Roman Forum.
possible extension 1 extra hour needed: if you want to make your experience more special let’s walk to the Caracalla’s Bath. We will stroll by the Circo Massimo, the biggest and oldest circus built in town for the chariot races. The bath of Caracalla is still one of the best preserved spa where the roman people used to go every day to take care of their body as well as train their mind.